There's a naiveté and easygoing nature to Windjammers 2 that's endearing, especially as it revels in the absurdity of frisbee as an extreme sport. Though to be fair, I've never played a game of frisbee where anyone launched it in a ball of flame—these folks are definitely on a different level.
Of course if you’ve played 1994’s Windjammers (which is available to this day on PlayStation and the Switch) then this concept should sound very familiar to you, because Windjammers 2 remains incredibly loyal to that design, with only a handful of gameplay tweaks, new characters, and improved graphics to distinguish it from the original. Given how few changes there are, it’s impressive how well the old formula holds up a quarter century later, and the small additions that have been added are all solid improvements. The ability to jump in the air and spike the disc down into your opponent’s court, for example, is particularly useful.
Windjammers 2 adheres very closely to its arcade roots. The rather minor but impactful changes almost make it feel like it could have been released two years after the first Windjammers. That will probably be a relief to the original game’s following, but anyone new to the series should know what to expect. It is largely a game that is designed for versus play, and while there is a single-player option, you most likely will only get your money’s worth through competition. If that doesn’t interest you, neither will Windjammers 2.
Hardcore Windjammers fans (of the game, sailors look elsewhere) will probably be able to mine the nuances of its simple mechanics for maximum depth. I'm sure I'd be impressed watching high level players locked in a heated match. For us amateur chumps there's plenty of style to soak up, but little of real value to hold attention for more than a couple of hours.
There are also a few new characters that mix things up a bit, including Raposa, a skateboard-riding Brazilian kid who’s the fastest-moving character available, and Ho, a stoic warrior with a special ability that makes the disc do an anime-style vanishing dash in your direction. The new characters have actually become some of my favorites since their special abilities are usually more over-the-top and creative than the 6 characters from the original. Similarly, the new maps make for some unique experiences, like ones that are a bit wider or longer than the standard size and force you to adopt new strategies to win, or one particularly amusing stage where a point value for each scored goal is randomly selected via a slot machine-like gamble each volley.
But it’s also $20, which I think is the right price if a sequel is exactly what you’re looking for. It’s also made with a scoop of love for the original title, which comes across in its faithfulness and overall appearance. Dotemu obviously put a lot of effort into pleasing fans, but it’s going to be that particular player-base that makes the final assessment on whether or not it’s a disc worth catching. The best I can do is tell you that it’s at least worth the sand in your shoes.
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